Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2012

Uống thuốc Spasmaverine khi mang thai

Em đi khám thai bác sĩ nói được 7 tuần tuổi. Bác sĩ cho em uống thuốc Spasmaverine và Pyme Feron B9 cùng một lúc vậy có ảnh hưởng gì tới thai nhi không?

1 câu trả lời:
Chào bạn,
Spasmaverin và Pyme Feron B9 là những loại thuốc an toàn cho thai kỳ .
Spasmaverin có tác dụng giảm co thắt.
Pyme Feron B9 chứa sắt và acid folic là những vi chất cần thiết cho phụ nữ mang thai.
liên kết lâu dài
trả lời 23:11 02 Sep
BacsiSon's gravatar image

Cách tính cân nặng của thai nhi

Cách tính cân nặng của thai nhi

1 câu trả lời:
Có nhiều cách tính cân nặng của thai nhi khi còn trong bụng mẹ: dựa vào thăm khám,  đo bề cao tử cung hay dựa vào các kích thước của thai trên siêu âm. Nhưng không có phương pháp nào có thể tính chính xác cân nặng của thai nhi nên chủ yếu dựa vào kinh nghiệm của bác sĩ sản khoa.
liên kết lâu dài
trả lời 22:03 30 Aug
BacsiSon's gravatar image

Cách sử dụng "Diane 35" cho người bị bệnh buồng trứng đa năng.

Chào bác sĩ!! Em 22 tuổi, đã có gia đình,hiện chưa có em bé.Cách đây 1 tuần em có đến bệnh viện Đại Học Y Dược khám,và siêu âm thì bệnh tình như sau: -Tổng trạng: bình thường -Tử cung: Tư thế: ngã sau, kích thước: 43mm, cấu trúc: đều, nội mạc 6mm,lòng tử cung: không thấy bất thường. - Hai buồng trứng có nhiều nang nhỏ Chẩn đoán: TD hai buồng trứng dạng đa năng Với tình trạng này,em bị mụn nhiều ở mặt và lưng,kinh nguyệt không đều.Hiện tại em chưa muốn có em bé,em muốn uống thuốc ngừa thai "Diane 35" đề điều hòa nội tiết cũng như kinh nguyệt của em.Em muốn:"sử dụng thuốc liên tục trong 4 tháng,sau đó ngừng 1tháng,đến tháng thứ 6 thì sử dụng thuốc lại.Cứ sử dụng thuốc như vậy đến 3 năm,thì em ngừng và có kế hoạch sinh em bé" liệu có ảnh hưởng gì đối với em, cũng như đối với việc sinh đẻ của em(người bị mắc bệnh buồng trứng đa năng )không?thưa bác sĩ.Đối với người bị mắc bệnh như em thì nên sinh em bé vào lúc bao nhiêu tuổi thì thích hợp ạ!! Chân thành cảm ơn và Kính chào bác sĩ!!

1 câu trả lời:
Tình trạng của chị gọi là buồng trứng đa nang, biểu hiện bằng tình trạng kinh nguyệt không đều, mụn ở mặt và lưng, rậm lông, rối loạn chuyển hóa như béo phì,…, có thể gây vô sinh do rối loạn rụng trứng,…Siêu âm có thể chẩn đoán buồng trứng đa nang qua hình ảnh nhiều nang nhỏ ở buồng trứng. Chị chưa muốn sanh em bé thì có thể uống Diane 35 để ngừa thai và điều trị mụn, Chị không cần ngưng thuốc  mà uống liên tục đến khi nào muốn có thai thì ngưng thuốc trước khi mang thai 3 tháng. Đối với tình trạng buồng trứng đa nang có thể vô sinh do tình trạng rối loạn rụng trứng vì vậy chị nên có kế hoạch có thai sớm. Thân mến!
liên kết lâu dài
trả lời 22:49 30 Aug
BacsiSon's gravatar image

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2012

Công dụng thuốc canzole

Kính chào bác sĩ,
Hôm nay tôi đi khám thai định kỳ, thai #23 24 tuần. Sau khi khám bác sĩ Bành Thanh Lan có kê toa trong đó có thuốc RBTONE và CANZOLE tôi đọc trên mạng thấy công dụng thuốc canzole chỉ định cho người bị nhiễm khuẩn hoặc ra huyết trắng, nhưng kết quả khám tôi không thấy bệnh gì trong trang: bình thường vậy tôi có nên dùng thuốc trên. Vì tôi không thấy huyết trắng và viêm nhiễm. Mong bác sĩ tư vấn dùm.
Chân thành cảm ơn.

1 câu trả lời:
Canzole là thuốc điều trị viêm âm đạo, bạn nên gặp lại Bác sĩ của bạn để được giải đáp thỏa đáng vì trường hợp này chỉ có Bác sĩ trực tiếp khám mới xác định là bạn có bị viêm nhiễm hay không.
Bs.Lê Nguyễn Anh Thi, Khoa Phụ Sản

Phá thai nội khoa còn bị ú dịch trong tử cung

Xin chào bác sĩ
Em phá thai nội khoa, sau 1 tuần em đi siêu âm kết quả tử cung to hơn bình thường và còn bị ứ dịch d 14mm. Bác sĩ cho em uống 10 viên thuốc để co bop tu cung đẩy chất dịch ra ngoài. hẹn 12 ngày sau đi siêu âm lại. Nhưng em rất lo lắng không biết có bị hút chất dịch ra không? sau này em có bị ảnh hưởng đến việc sinh sản không?
Xin Bác sĩ trả lời giúp em. Em cảm ơn bác sĩ.

1 câu trả lời:
Nếu sau khi đã dùng thuốc bổ sung mà tử cung vẫn còn ứ dịch nhiều và em vẫn rong huyết thì mới cần đến hút kiểm tra lòng tử cung. Nếu việc phá thai thành công, không biến chứng thì ít gây vô sinh sau này. Em nên tiếp tục theo dõi và tái khám đúng hướng dẫn nhé.
Bs.Lê Thị Phương Uyên, Khoa Phụ Sản

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2012

Cách nào hầm xương nước được trong?

Thỉnh thoảng mình nấu bếp, khi hầm xương thì nước dùng thường bị đục, không trong như ngoài quán bán. Có cách nào khắc phục không nhỉ?
1 câu trả lời:
Trổ tài xíu nhé, có vài yếu tố sau:
  1. Về Thời gian hầm: gà, heo thì nên hầm 2-3 giờ, nhưng bò thì cần hầm tới 5-8 h, còn hải sản thì không nên quá 45' nếu không sẽ chua và đục
  2. Cách hầm: điều quan trọng đầu tiên là nguyên liệu thật tươi và sau đó là chế biến thật phù hợp. Ví dụ hầm gà/heo thì không nên dùng đầu mà phải dùng xương mình hoặc đuôi. Trước khi bõ thịt gà/heo vào hầm thì nên trụng vào nước sôi trên bếp để khử mùi (rồi bõ nước đó đi), như vậy nước sẽ trong hơn. Riêng với xương bò, nhất là xương ống, trước khi ninh cần nướng với nhiệt độ cao thì nước dùng sẽ thơm, trong và ngon hơn.
  3. Khi nấu: không đậy vung và đợi nước sôi mới cho thịt và xương vào sau đó để lửi sôi riu iu, như vậy chất sẽ còn nhiều trong thịt, nếu không thì sẽ tan và nước hầm. Cho vào đó một củ hành tím đã nướng chín vào nồi và thường xuyênt hớt bọt.
Nếu nước đục:
  • Lấy một tròng trắng trứng đánh cho thật nổi đổ úp vào soong nước dùng, cho vào nước dùng (lúc nguội), đặt lên bếp vừa đun vừa khuấy đều cho các vẩn đục bám hết vào trứng. Khi được, vớt tròng trắng trứng ra bỏ.
  • Băm thịt (nước dùng gì thì băm thịt ấy), trộn lòng trắng trứng, nấm hương cho vào nước dùng nguội sẽ làm nước dùng vừa trong vừa ngon hơn.
  • Nếu nấu nước gà bị đục, cho tiếp xương gà vào đun cũng làm nước trong và ngon hơn.

Low Carb Cereals

Adjusting to a low carb diet
Changing your diet can be one of the most traumatizing decisions you would have to make especially when you have to give up some of the foods you relish. The trauma is not only physical but also mental because letting go of your favorite meals is no mean task. Adjusting to a new diet is very difficult no matter how beneficial it may be to your health.
  Low Carb Cereals 1
Cereal is one of the hardest meals to let go when on a low carb diet.  The low carb cereals available do contain a substantial amount of carbs despite the low carb label have. For those sensitive to gluten these cereals usually carry grains which pose a problem for most strict low carb dieters. There are lots of low carb cereals now just make sure you check the carb content before you buy.
Eggs, Bacon and Sausage
  Low Carb Cereals
What options then are available to substitute low carb cereal for breakfast? Bacon, eggs and sausage are great alternatives but for cereal lovers this is a big change.  Cereal craving still strikes and maintaining this breakfast may be a challenge.
Hot oatmeal made from pumpkin or flax also makes a good cereal alternative for a low carb diet.  Be careful with the flavored ones in as much they resemble the usual cereals. They contain artificial sugar meaning they are abundant in honey or sugar and will only increase your blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain.
Replacing low carb cereal with Protein shakes
There are quite a number of alternatives for instance another one to consider is protein shakes.  Protein shakes provide an economical way of increasing your protein in-take while cutting on carbs. Delicious and tasty as they are, they are not expensive and are simple to make. No sugar additives are needed just some water, almond milk or coconut milk blended together with some ice. There is a range of flavors you can find at your store and even over the internet.
Improving your diet with variety
The secret to a good breakfast is creating variety to make your diet interesting. For instance if you are comfortable with egg products then you can mix bacon, cheese and eggs to make simple egg bakes. Egg omelets and scrambles come in different varieties that you can give a try. Season your eggs if they are too plain for you with some jalenpenos for the perfect flavor.
The cereal cravings will strike you a lot during breakfast while adjusting to a low carb diet.
Just remember that there are several options available therefore you don’t need to be fixed on some plain food every time. A low carb diet should make you healthier and allow you to find out about new interesting foods at the same time.
The main aim of a low carb diet is to significantly lower your carbohydrate in-take. However it is worth pointing out that there are some beneficial carbs, these are the carbs from fiber simply avoid the highly refined and processed carbohydrates like cakes, white bread plus cookies. Any food high in sugar should be avoided when on a low carb diet.

Low Carb Snacks

With all the sugar cookies and sweet cakes available around us staying healthy is a phenomenal challenge. These snacks are not easy to keep away from but as a replacement for the sugar cookies, fries and mouth watering cakes have some low carb snacks. Some healthy snacks that do not make you gain weight.
Low Carb Snacks 
These unhealthy snacks are very tempting therefore you need to ensure you have a way of avoiding them. One method is to carry some food with you all through the day. This way anytime hunger strikes you beat the temptation of having some unhealthy snack since you carry your own healthy foods. It may not appear to be the most convenient method for most people carrying food around can be cumbersome but it works.
Most people may not be comfortable with carrying a spoon and a fork everywhere they go. You also don’t want to carry a big bag around with you to accommodate your lunch or dinner foods. In as much as there are several recipes for low carb foods the challenge is transforming them into low carb snacks. Just like any other snack it should be ready to eat, satisfying, easy to make and carry with you wherever you go.
Low carb snack should be equally appetizing!
Low carb snacks like any other snack should be appetizing! It should not only fit perfectly in your small bag but also have an edible taste. Most low carb snacks cannot combine all these qualities of a snack and that is what makes them very rare. This does not mean that there are no low carb snacks here are a few examples:
Low carb vegetable snack
 Some vegetables like celery sticks make excellent low carb snacks that are ready to eat. They are easy to carry anywhere and when you get hungry you can always have a bite. They are not very satisfying after consuming celery sticks you find yourself still in need of something to eat.
Nuts make healthy low carb snacks
Nuts come in several flavors and make healthy low carb snacks because they are not only low in carbs but are quite filling. Some nuts are packed with mixed flavors together with dried exotic fruit added inside the packets. Cashew nuts and Brazilian nuts are some of the popular nuts. But even as companies try to add value to nuts some have resorted to adding extra sugar. Consequently the nuts are no longer low carb and should be avoided. Keep off sugar always ensure the snacks are sugar free.
Some other wonderful low carb snacks choices
A good low carb snack will nourish your body with adequate nutrients and boost your energy.
The following are a list of some the best low carb snacks that you can have: celery together with peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, celery with tuna salad, dill pickles plus cheddar cheese, one quarter cup berries with a third cup cottage cheese, nuts, cheese together with a few apple slices, lunch meat roll ups plus some veggies, lettuce roll-ups with meat, eggs or tuna, some sugar free yoghurt with berries and so much more for you to enjoy and stay healthy.

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 9, 2012

Choose from various inexpensive low carb crock pot recipes

various inexpensive low carb crock pot recipes
If you are looking for the right low crab diet plans without shedding huge sums of money, then you need to choose from various inexpensive low carb crock pot recipes. These recipes are made from basic food items that are easily available and also cost very low. This way you will be able to follow an effective low carb diet and also save good amount of money. Nowadays almost all of us try to get things that are effective yet moderately priced. The same is applicable for meal plans too. Let us have an idea of the recipes that are easy and low priced.
Try inexpensive low carb recipes
First things first try to have recipes that are made from common food items such as fruits, baked items, and vegetables and so on. There are lots of fruits that have low carbohydrate and fat. A delicious fruit salad can be healthy, yet so cost effective. In the same manner, there are quite a lot of desserts such as yogurts and cream butter that are easy to get and prepare and also cost very nominal. To complement the diet plan, try to take part in outdoor activities to stay fit and also have adequate rest. This way you can save money and get fitter too.

Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 9, 2012

Get taste and health from low carb carrot cake

low carb carrot cake
If you like baked items with a vegetable flavour, then try out the low carb carrot cake. Made from fresh carrot and low carb bread, this can be an ideal nutritious dish for those who are conscious about their health. With more impetus on low carb dishes, there has been an increased preference among people for low carb items. In this regard, low carb baked items can act as a wonderful side dish and dessert. You can choose from a wide range of low carb baked items as per the taste and preference. The taste is great and offers a wonderful dining experience for people.
How are these cakes made?
The low carb carrot cake is made from carrot, which is considered to be low in carbohydrate. This ensures that there is minimal chance of putting up extra fat. In the same manner, the cake is made from flax seed or almond flour that also consists of low levels of sugar and carb. For added taste, some dry fruits and special flavoured supplements are added. These supplements are also free from high carbs. You can even make carrot cakes at home within a quick span of time, or else you can get them from dining outlets and confectionary stores.

Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 9, 2012

Following the low carb low fat diet plan

low carb low fat diet plan
To have a good body without extra fat, you need to follow a well defined low carb low fat diet plan. If you are really wishing to shed extra fat from the body within few days, then following a balanced and healthy diet is perhaps the best thing possible. On an average, you can shed around 10-17 lbs if you follow the plan in the right manner. In most cases, a well defined low carb diet plan helps to burn your calories, and prevent intake of high levels of carbohydrate in the body, thereby gifting you a well toned and attractive body.
Types of low carb diet foods
To start with a low carb low fat diet plan, you must remember have great amount of water; around ten glasses per day. Apart from these, care needs to be taken to take low carb food items. For example, you need to have lots of fruits with low carb. It is recommended to consume plenty of raspberries and strawberries, as it helps to lose 30lbs daily. In case of vegetables, the ones that need to be preferred include radish, turnip, spinach, cauliflower, and so on. In case of protein items, the ones preferred include chicken, pork, fish products, and so on.

Try some low carb hot chocolate items

low carb hot chocolate items
For getting a taste of some of the best quality desserts, you can try out the low carb hot chocolate. It is absolutely free from high carbohydrate, and does not cause any extra formation of fat. The taste is as awesome as the normal ones. However, the only difference, or rather the positive thing is that you get healthier and fitter even if you are eating chocolates. Surprising it may sound, but this is what low carb chocolates do- they provide essential nutrients, yet prevents extra fat from forming inside the body. From children to adults, people all across the world like hot chocolates.
Popular types of hot chocolates
You can choose from various kinds of low carb hot chocolate items as per the taste and preference. Some of the popular varieties are low carb chocolate with fry fruits, low carb chocolate with almond, low carb chocolate with walnut, low carb chocolate with cocoa, low carb hot dark chocolate, low carb chocolate with milk cream, and so on. All these chocolates are very tasty to eat and can even be added in cakes and brownies. They are free from high carb and sugar and do not lead to any health complication.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 9, 2012

Choose from the low carb foods and snacks list

low carb foods and snacks list
By having an idea of the low carb foods and snacks list, you can easily select the right kind of foods. It is important for people who are following low carb cuisine to eat the right foods that consist of less carbohydrate, as it can prevent extra fat formation from taking place. In the same way, those who are suffering from ailments such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity, and so on. As snacks are very popular among meal plans, having the low carb ones will ensure that you get the right kind of taste and also retain the health factor.
Low carb food and snacks list
You can choose from low carb foods and snacks list as per your preferences. For example, fruits and vegetables like guava, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, carrot, cucumber, spinach, radish, cauliflower, cabbage, and so on can be considered to be effective low carb foods. For non-vegetarian items, fish products, chicken, pork and egg whites are preferred. If you like snacks, you can try out low carb cakes, muffins, brownies, low carb pizzas and pastas, low carb chocolates, and cookies. All these dishes taste great and also consist of other essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and so on.

Know about the low carb food pyramid chart

low carb food pyramid chart
Following the low carb food pyramid chart is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy and fit. With so much stress on maintaining a healthy body, lots of people have started to follow low carb diet meal plans. The food pyramid is also one of them. It helps you take in the most essential nutrients, and yet prevent high carbohydrate from getting into the body. Ideal for both children and adults, it can provide to yield wonderful results if followed well and with care. On an average, positive results can be evident within a period of three weeks.
Details of the diet pyramid
The main objective of the low carb food pyramid chart is to provide essential nutrients, yet low carb and fat. The pyramid is made up of three main meal plans- breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is made up of both vegan and non-vegetarian food items that consist of very little amount of carbohydrate. This kind of diet plan is also very effective for those who are suffering from complications such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity, and so on. Indeed it can act as a boon for health conscious people who wish to stay fit. It is also pretty easy to follow the diet pyramid.

Know more about the right low carb drink recipes

low carb drink recipes
By having an idea of the low carb drink recipes, you can easily cherish these refreshing drinks. Unlike normal drinks, these consist of very low levels of carbohydrate, and do not cause any undue fat formation in the body. Based on the type of drink you like, you can easily make the choice from the right kind of brand available and enjoy that refreshing feel. All across the world, there has been an increased demand for the drinks with low carb, as they have proven to be very effective to combat weight gain and fat formation.
Choose from low carb drinks
In regard to the low carb drink recipes with alcohol, the ones that need to be preferred include vodka and low carb wine. Both of these consist of very low amount of carbohydrate and fat. You can choose from various varieties such as strawberry and raspberry vodka, green apple vodka, red wine, ginger wine, and so on. For those who do not like alcohol, the ones that can prove to be ideal include low carb mocktails and soft drinks. In case of soft drinks, you can take in diet coke or other brands of the similar category. They taste refreshing and free from carb and sugar.

Enjoy the taste of low carb blueberry muffins

low carb blueberry muffins
For having something tasty yet healthy; try the low carb blueberry muffins. They rank among the top healthiest snacks that are popular all across the globe. From children to the aged, most of us love to eat muffins as they taste awesome. However, at times, it can pose a problem as muffins consist of high carbohydrates. With low carb muffins, this problem can be a thing of the past. Available in a range of taste, these snacks can be your ideal companion for a fantastic gastronomical delight. If you wish to eat good food, and yet stay healthy, they are the right choice.
Types of blueberry muffins
The two main ingredients of low carb blueberry muffins are blueberry and low carb bread. Both of these consist of low carb and fat. Blueberry is considered to be one of the low carb fruits, while low carb bread is made from flax seed or almond flour. You can try out a range of blueberry muffins as per the taste. Some of them are blueberry muffins with walnut, blueberry muffins with almond, blueberry muffins with chocolate sauce, blueberry muffins with cheese, blueberry muffins with cream yogurt, and so on. All of these taste so delicious, and have very low carb and sugar.

Choose from some low carb high fiber foods

 low carb high fiber foods
There are lots of low carb high fiber foods that provide essential nutrients and make your stronger and fitter. You can choose from both vegan and non vegetarian food items as per the preferences. Some of these can even be made at home easily. High fiber foods are also ideal for diabetic patients.
Low carb high fiber foods are preferred all across the globe for their nutritional factor. High fiber foods are known for their high nutrients as they help prevent a range of complications. Those who are suffering from complications such as diabetes, obesity, high blood sugar, and so on really need high fiber foods for added energy and immunity. However, at times, people are apprehensive about taking in high fiber food items as they consist of high carb. However, with low carb items, the problem about high carb can be minimised to a great extent, and yet one can get the high nutrients.
There are various benefits about low carb high fiber foods that have made them so well preferred. Doctors and fitness experts recommend high fiber items as they provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and so on. Because of the low carbohydrate count, there is also no chance of putting extra fat.  As a result, one will not be vulnerable to ailments such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity related problems, and so on. Moreover, having high fiber food also reduces health problems and related ailments such as low blood circulation, and so on.
Types of high fiber foods with low carb
Low carb high fiber foods can be both vegan and non vegetarian in nature. There are lots of fruits and vegetables that consist of high fiber, yet very low fat and carbohydrate. They provide essential nutrients to the body. Some of the fruits such as guava, raspberry, strawberry, watermelon, apple, and others have a high fiber count, yet are very low in carbohydrate. In the same way, there are lots of vegetables like cucumber, radish, turnip, spinach, and so on that also do not consist of high carb, but are high in fiber. Some of these vegetables can be eaten raw, while some of them can be cooked with other food items.
Some protein items can also be considered as low carb high fiber foods. Among them, chicken, pork, and fish consist of high fiber, yet are low in fat and carbohydrate. You can make a wide range of recipes with low carb chicken and pork items. Some of the popular items include chicken salads, low carb lemon chicken, and low carb pork with tomato sauce, low carb tuna with sauce, fried or baked salmon or shrimps, and lots more. They are highly nutritious and are tasty too. You can also easily prepare these dishes within quick period of time, at home too.
Before you try out the low carb high fiber foods, it is advisable that you consult a doctor or fitness expert. There you will be able to get an idea of the right kind of foods and also the benefits of these. If you wish to get more information, you can also refer to health magazines. Another popular option is the internet. There are lots of sites that provide useful information on various kinds of high fiber foods that are low in carb, the advantages that they have and how to eat them, and so on.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 9, 2012

Taste some low carb cheese cake recipes

low carb cheese cake recipes
By having low carb cheese cake recipes, you can get essential nutrients, without building extra fat. These recipes are made from fresh cheese that consist of very low carb, and are simply delicious. Low carb cheese is also used in other food items such as salads, cakes, cookies, and so on.
If you want something sweet, then try out the low carb cheese cake recipes. These are one of the all time favourites for food lovers who think a bit about their health too. Unlike normal cheese, which has lots of calories and carb, the low carb ones come with very less amount of carbohydrates and sugar. That means even you take in these items, there is no way you can build extra fat in your body. Indeed this can be a wonderful alternative for food lovers who do not want to build extra fat in the body. The taste is also great.
Benefits of low carb cheese
There are various advantages of low carb cheese cake recipes that have them so popular. First of all, these food items consist of low carbohydrate and so there is very less chance of putting extra fat in the body. Secondly, the sugar content is also very low and that means there is no question of extra cholesterol formation. As such low carb cheese can be ideal for people who are suffering from ailments such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity and so on. Even children can have a taste of these low carb cheese recipes due to the great taste.
Types of cheese recipes
You can choose from a range of low carb cheese cake recipes as per the preferences. In most cases, low carb cheese is used in a range of products such as cakes, baked items, protein based items, salads and so on. These are very healthy and also great to taste. Some of the popular recipes made from low carb cheese include low carb cheese cake low carb cheese muffins, low carb cheese brownies, low carb cheese with strawberry sauce, low carb cheese pasta, low carb cheese with raspberry sauce, low carb cheese cookies, low carb cheese bread, low carb cheese noodles, and so on.
Apart from these, there are also quite a few low carb cheese cake recipes that are used in protein items too. For example, there are lots of meat and fish items that use low carb cheese. Some of the food items that use cheese with low carb are low carb meat balls, low carb cream chicken with lemon, and low carb pork with cream, low carb chicken with cheese nuggets, and so on. Apart from the low carb cheese factor, these items consist of high nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. They can be served for lunch and dinner.
If you think about making low carb cheese cake recipes at home, then you can refer to various sources. You can get hold of cookbooks from where you can get details about the recipes, the items and ingredients used, the cooking process, and so on. The internet is another useful source from where you can get details on the recipes. There are lots of sites that provide information on various dishes that can be made from low carb cheese. From the cooking process to the items needed, you will get all sorts of info from these sites.


Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2012

Choose from a range of low carb casserole recipes

low carb casserole recipes
If you are looking for something healthy, yet tasty, then choose from a range of low carb casserole recipes. Made from both vegan and non vegetarian items, these consist of great nutritional value and are ideal for those who are following a weight loss program. You can even make these items at home.
If you are looking to have some of the most excellent and nutritious foods together then the low carb casserole recipes can be a wonderful choice. Made from freshly prepared vegan and non vegetarian food items, these offer essential nutrients such ad proteins, vitamins, and minerals. In order to stay fit, we need energy and vital nutrients. This is what you get from casserole recipes. And above all, there is no problem of putting extra fat as these consist of very less amount of carbohydrate and sugar. That means you stay fit and healthy, and yet prevent high carb from getting into the body.
Carbohydrates, if taken in large quantities can prove to be harmful for the health. Not only does it lead to extra fat formation, but it also leads to other health complications such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity related problems, and so on. Nowadays, even children are getting prone to these complications. To avoid all these, you need to follow a diet plan that consist of essential nutrients, yet does not cause extra fat formation and health complications from taking place. This is exactly what you get from a casserole recipe. It is almost free from high carb and fat.
There are quite a few benefits of the low carb casserole recipes that have made them so effective. Firstly, as already mentioned, they are free from high carbohydrate. That means even if you take in these food items there is no chance of putting extra fat. In the same manner, due to low sugar count, the casserole does not lead to formation of high cholesterol in the body. That prevents you from complications like diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity, and so on. If followed well, low carb diet plans can prove to be very effective and can yield positive results with a period of three weeks.
Types of low carb casseroles
You can choose from both vegan and non vegetarian low carb casserole recipes. The vegetarian recipes are made from vegetables and other vegan items such as asparagus and mushrooms. Some of the well known recipes include Mashed Cauliflower (Cauliflower Puree), Cauliflower "Rice", Oven Roasted Asparagus, Zucchini Casserole, Mediterranean Summer Vegetables (Ratatouille), Southwest Squash Casserole, Simplified Grilled Eggplant Involtini, Low-Carb Zucchini Lasagna, and so on. In order to add more flavours, you can add various spices, sauces, and herbs. They are nutritious and also make you fit.
In addition to the vegan ones, you can have a range of non-veg low carb casserole recipes. In most cases, the low carb recipes are made from items such as chicken, pork, and fish. You can choose from a range of recipes such as low carb Green Bean and Chicken Casserole, Bacon Cheeseburger Quiche, Mexican Spinach Chicken Casserole, Zucchini Mushroom Lasagna with chicken, Chicken Gravy and Mashed Potatoes, Mexican Spinach Lasagna with chicken, Cincinnati-Style chicken Chilli, Creamy BBQ Sauce Chicken casserole, fish and lemon casserole, pork chop casserole, baked shrimps with sauce, crab casserole dipped in coconut and lemon, and so on. These consist of high proteins, yet very low carb.

Choose from a range of low carb tofu recipes

low carb tofu recipes
Tofu ranks among the most cherished non vegetarian items that one can have. There are so many recipes that can be made from tofu. If you are fall among the health conscious people, you may like to have the low carb tofu recipe. The best thing about these recipes is that they are made from ingredients that consist of very less amount of carbohydrates. So, if you are taking these recipes, you can be rest assured of one thing- there will no chance of putting extra fat in the body. Moreover, these recipes are ideal for patients who are suffering from diabetes, high blood sugar, and obesity.
Types of low carb tofu
You can choose from a wide range of low carb tofu recipe as per the choice. They are healthy and at the same time tasty. The most popular tofu recipes include low carb tofu with coconut, low carb tofu with ginger and lemon, low carb tofu with cream cheese, low carb fried tofu, Tofu Salad with Great Green Dressing, Zesty Grilled Tofu, Grilled Caribbean tofu, Easy Maryland Tofu Salad, Greek-Spiced Baked Tofu, Tofu Alfredo, Thai Coconut Tofu and Rice, and Oven-Baked Tofu with Herbs, Easy Tofu Scampi, and so on.

Enjoy the taste of low carb sweet snacks

low carb sweet snacks
There is a wide range of low carb sweet snacks that you can try out as per choice. Snacks are very popular all across the world for their taste. For those like sweets, these can be essential items in meals. However, even if you like snacks, you sometimes tend to sacrifice it, to avoid extra carb. Most of the snacks consist of high carb that may lead to extra fat formation and also build-up of cholesterol. However, if you eat sweet snacks with low carb, you can easily get rid of these problems, and cherish the delicious snacks without any problem.
Some low carb sweet snacks
Low carb sweet snacks are made from ingredients that do not consist of high carb. For example, the cream and dairy products used in low carb snacks are free from high carbohydrate. In the same manner, sugar supplements are used instead of normal sugar to prevent high cholesterol. Some of the popular kinds of low carb snacks which have sweet taste include muffins, low carb cakes, low carb cookies and pastries, brownies, low carb ice creams and chocolates, and so on. To add to the taste, you can add dry fruits and low carb sweeteners. These snacks can be served as great desserts and side dishes as well.

Get to know of low carb soy flour recipes

low carb soy flour recipes
There are various kinds of low carb soy flour recipes that you can try out. These are well preferred by health conscious people who wish to stay fit and healthy. Soy flour is considered to be one of the most effective ingredients that consist of very low carbohydrate. This is why it is used in various types of baked items that come with very low levels of carbohydrate. There are various advantages of using soy flour as they also prevent high cholesterol formation in the body. This is why they are ideal for those who are suffering from diabetes, high blood sugar, and obesity.
Types of soy flour recipes
You can choose from a wide range of low carb soy flour recipes as per the preferences. It is used in low carb cakes, low carb muffins and cookies, low carb brownies, and so on. In addition to these, soy flour can also be used in case of low carb snacks such as pastas, pizzas, rolls, and others. The cost is pretty moderate and one does not need to shed huge amount of money. You can get a wide range of soy flour brands at markets and departmental stores. Even well known grocery stores keep these brands.

Choose from a range of low carb salmon recipes

low carb salmon recipes
If you love fishes, then try out the low carb salmon recipes. They are very healthy and also delicious too. Salmon is considered to be a low carb item as it consists of very low levels of carbohydrate and fat. Salmon recipes are ideal for lunch and dinner and are very nutritious. All over the world, salmon has become very popular as seafood and lots of people love to have various dishes made from salmon. So if you are one of those who love to dine with great recipes, then try out the salmon recipes with low carb.
Types of salmon delicacies
There are various advantages of having the low carb salmon recipes. Due to low carb, they do not lead to undue fat and cholesterol formation. Some of the popular recipes that you choose from include low carb salmon with lemon sauce, low carb salmon with coconut, low carb baked salmons, low carb fried salmons, low carb salmons with ginger, low carb salmon with tomato sauce, low carb salmon with herbs, and lots more. These dishes are known for their wonderful taste and are available in well known dining outlets that serve seafood delicacies. Some of them can also be made at home.

Choose from various low carb meal replacement shakes

low carb meal replacement shakes
The low carb meal replacement shakes have proved to be great supplements for meals. In this age of fast lifestyle, at times it may not be possible for us to maintain a proper diet always. In this case, the meal supplement shakes prove to a handy. They consist of all the essential nutrients and provide added energy to your body to make you fitter and healthier. In the same way, the carbohydrate amount is very low, and that means there is no chance of putting on extra weight. Made from high quality ingredients, they are recommended by even doctors and fitness experts.
Types of diet shakes
You can choose from a wide range of low carb meal replacement shakes as per the preferences. There are plenty of brands available with different specifications. Some of the popular ones are CytoSport Muscle Milk Light RTD, Optimum Gold Standard 100%, ABB Pure Pro 50, AllMax Nutrition ISOFLEX Instant Protein Drink, Inner Armour Nitro-PEAK 50x, EAS Myoplex Lite RTD, Eclipse 2000 The Low Carb Shake, and so on. All these shakes consist of vital nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and are yet low in fat and carbohydrate. They are ideal for breakfast, lunch and supper. The taste is also good and provides a good dining experience.

Know more about low carb market

low carb market
In a low carb market, one can get a wide range of low carb items at throwaway prices. In today’s world, as lots of people are switching on to low carb diet, there has been an increased demand for low carb items. This has led to the growth of markets and stores where you can get a wide range of products related to low carb diet plans. Starting from food products to other items related to weight loss program, you can get almost everything at these markets. They have become very useful component in today’s world of hustle and bustle.
Know where to buy items
In addition to the low carb market, you can also get a wide range of low carb products at various departmental stores and supermarkets. When it comes to food items, there are grocery stores that keep them as well. In case of cooked low carb food, there are lots of dining outlets and restaurants where you can get these. The cost is not so exorbitant and you do not have to shed huge sums of money from the pocket. In addition to food items, you can also buy fitness equipments, diet shakes, health drinks, protein powders, slimming equipments, and so on from the low carb market and stores.

Enjoy delicious low carb lunch fast food

low carb lunch fast food
If you wish to have snacks at lunch, you need to have an idea of low carb lunch fast food. There are lots of food items that go very well for lunch. These snacks are light and also do not consist of very high levels of carbohydrate. As such, you need not worry about the high carb factor, and can easily savour the delicious taste of these snacks. You can make the choice from a wide range of snacks as per the taste and preferences. Both vegan and non vegetarian dishes are available.
Types of low carb lunch fast food
Talking about low carb lunch fast food, the ones that are very popular include noodles, fried rice, baked salmon, chicken, and pork, fried shrimps, and so on. A cup of chicken salad can also prove to be a great snack meal for lunch. Apart from these, you can choose from a wide range of low carb baked items for lunch. Some example, you can try out snacks such as low carb pizzas and burgers, low carb cakes and muffins, low carb sandwiches, and lots more. To add to the taste, you can also try out different kinds of low carb yogurts and cream cheeses.

Some idea on low carb fruits and vegetables list

low carb fruits and vegetables list
By having an idea of the low carb fruits and vegetables list, you will be able to choose your favourite food items easily. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that consist of very less amount of carbohydrate. By eating these items, you can get that added energy, as well as shed those extra fats. With increased importance on health, lots of people are gradually getting on with low carb diet plans. The main benefit of these plans is that they provide essential nutrients, yet help shed undue fat.
Popular low carb fruits and vegetables
Based on your food habits and availability, you can choose from the low carb fruits and vegetables list. There are lots of fruits such as guava, papaya, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and so on that consist of very less amount of carbohydrate. Moreover, most of these fruits also contain less sugar that does not lead to high cholesterol formation. Coming to vegetables, the ones that are preferred include cauliflower, carrot, spinach, cabbage, radish, broccoli, asparagus, and so on. Beans are also very effective low carb vegetables that are preferred. A cup of roasted or fried beans with green vegetables can be a very healthy dish. You can also have some roasted meat or egg white with it.

Know the right low carb foods for breakfast

low carb foods for breakfast
There are plenty of items that can be considered as low carb foods for breakfast. As it marks the beginning of the meal, a breakfast needs to be nutritious as well as healthy. In this case, having a low carb breakfast really helps as it provides you essential nutrients, and also gets rid of the unnecessary fat from the body. The recipes and dishes are pretty basic and they taste delicious too. Both vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes can be preferred for breakfast. If you have an idea of the breakfast food, you can easily be able to select from them.
Food to be eaten for breakfast
Talking about the low carb foods for breakfast, fruits form a major part of them. You can have salads made from low carb fruits such as guava, papaya, raspberry, and so on. Along with a fruit salad, a cup of

Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2012

Enjoy tasting some low carb fish recipes

low carb fish recipes
Try some of the low carb fish recipes for getting in high protein and shed extra fat from the body. Fish food is considered to be one of the most effective elements that provide high level of proteins, yet without any carbohydrate. This is one of the reasons why lots of people tend to eat fish more than meat items. Fish consists of high proteins, and also other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and so on. Moreover, low carb fish products also do not consist of high sugar and are apt for those who are suffering from diabetes and other ailments.
Types of fish recipes
You can choose from a wide range of low carb fish recipes as per your preferences. There are lots of recipes that provide great taste as well as make you healthier. Some of the popular recipes include fried or roasted fish, fried low carb tuna, fish with lemon sauce, and fish with tomato sauce, fried salmon, fish chops in lemon sauce, baked tuna with sauce, chilly fish with gravy, baked salmon, baked cod in Spanish style, grilled shrimp, fish in walnut sauce, and lots more. They are pretty healthy and come with very low carb and fat.

Get handy low carb diet ideas

low carb diet ideas
For a healthy and fitter body, you need to try out a range of low carb diet ideas. Low carb recipes have become very popular- thanks to wide spread consciousness about health. Nowadays, people do not want to compromise with the health factor and try to stay fit always. This is the reason why lots of us have decided to follow low carb diet recipes. As you follow the weight loss or low carb diet regime, it is important that you get an idea of the diet ideas available and implement them in the right manner. This will provide you great benefits.
An ideal low carb plan
The main objective of low carb diet ideas is to take in more essential nutrients, yet very low fat. There are lots of food items that can be categorised under the low carb diet plans. Ideally, the low carb diet ideas should be a combination of nutrients like vitamins, proteins, minerals, and so on. However, the food items should have very low carb and sugar. This would ensure that the body does not accumulate extra fat or cholesterol. A diet plan should consist of both non vegetarian and vegetarian dishes. Moreover, there are also lots of desserts and snacks that are low carb and free from sugar.

Get help and reference from low carb diet books

low carb diet books
The low carb diet books can be used as a ready reference for getting various kinds of details about low carb meal plans. With increased awareness about health, lots of people are switching on to low carb dieting. As such they always wish to get useful information about how to start. The books about low carb offer all the possible details about low carb and weight loss meal plans. These books are easily available and you can buy the right book as per your requirements and preferences. They are also pretty affordably priced.
More info on low carb books
You can get a wide range of information from the low carb diet books. Firstly, almost all information related to the benefits of the low carb diet plan can be found in these books. Secondly, you will get the listings of the low carb foods and recipes, and when to have them. Thirdly, details about some well preferred low carb meal plans are also provided. This can help you to start off with the low diet and reap benefits. You can get these books from the market or online as well. There are plenty of sites and online stores from where you can get diet books on low carbs.

Know the best protein in the market 2012

the best protein in the market
If you need to have an idea of the best protein in the market 2012, you can easily refer to a range of sources. Protein shakes and powders have become very popular all across the world, thanks to the growing consciousness among people among low carb meal plans. With more and more products coming into the market, it is sometimes a bit difficult to choose the best brand. In most cases, the ranking is made based on factors such as the popularity, the effectiveness, the demand of the brand, and so on. Based on these, the final rankings are done.
Know the best ones
Talking about the best protein in the market 2012, the ones that can be ranked in the protein shakes category include Labrada Lean Body RTD, 1 - 17 Fl, CytoSport Muscle Milk RTD, 12 - 17 Fl, Nature's Best Zero Carb Isopure, ABB Pure Pro 50, 1/14.5 Fl, Pure Protein Pure Protein Shake, New Whey Nutrition New Whey Liquid Protein, BSN Syntha-6 RTD, 1 - 16.9 Fl, CytoSport Muscle Milk Light RTD, and others. In the protein powder category, the ones that have been voted the best are Myotein, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein, Optimum 100% Casein Protein, Syntha-6, Zero Carb Isopure, and so on.

Try out the slim fast low carb shakes

the slim fast low carb shakes
Ranking among the well known brands of health shakes, the slim fast low carb shakes are known for their most effective results. They provide essential nutrients to the body and are ideal for getting that added strength to the body. They are available in both cans and plastic bottles, and are priced affordably.
Well, putting on excessive weight is one of the main reasons for being depressed. One just hates to see him or her for being that obese shape. Well, if you follow the right kind of diet plans in a regular way, then these problems can be solved in a great way. Thanks to technology and medical science, there has been an inclusion in the weight loss and fitness category, they are the slim fast low carb shakes. All across the world, people have been benefitted by taking these shakes.  Well, it is not too late to begin and get that wonderful shape by taking these wonderful shakes.
Benefits of slim fast shakes
The slim fast low carb shakes come with a range of benefits that make them so well loved. Not only fitness conscious people, even normal people who are going through some kind of obesity related problems can get help from these shapes. These diet shakes consist of essential nutrients and supplements that provide energy and added strength to the body. For example, protein shakes are very useful in strengthening the muscles and giving you that toned look. Secondly, these shakes consist of very less amount of carbohydrate, and so there is no chance of putting on extra fat in the body.
Although the slim fast low carb shakes are very effective, there are some things that need to be kept in mind while taking in these shakes. As there are lots of brands available, one should properly look into the composition and determine the amount of carbohydrate. There are lots of shakes that consist of hidden sugar, which may lead to extra cholesterol formation. Such shakes need to be avoided. The best thing should be to consult a doctor or fitness expert before starting to use these shakes. Then you will be able to have an idea of the right shake that is suitable for your body.
Types of slim fast shakes
You can choose from a wide range of slim fast low carb shakes as per your preferences. These shakes are made by renowned brands and come with a range of benefits. Some of the well known shakes in this category include slim fast muscle milk, slim fast Atkins shake, slim fast low carb shakes Original Shake, slim fast Optima shake, slim fast High protein shake, slim fast Easy-to-Digest shake, and so on. All these shakes consist of essential supplements that provide strength to the body and make you fit, healthy, and strong.
Endorsement of the brands
Over the years, the slim fast low carb shakes have become very popular all across the world. It has also made lots of celebrity endorsements and promotions. The shakes are sold in both cans and plastic bottles. It has been proved that having 2 glasses of this shake per day can yield positive results within a period of three weeks. Some of the celebrities that have endorsed the products include Whoopi Goldberg, Mel Torme, Kathie Lee Gifford, Shari Belafonte, Tommy Lasorda, and so on.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2012

Get refreshed with low carb wine

low carb wine
In case of low carb wine, you can get the refreshing taste as well as do not harm to the body. There are lots of brands available and you can easily choose from them. Compared to other alcoholic drinks, low carb wines consist of very low amount of carbohydrate, sugar, and fat.
If you wish to have a refreshing experience without doing harm to the body, then try the low carb wine. Unlike other forms of wine that consist of high levels of carbohydrate, this kind of wine consists of very low amount of carbohydrate. Well, if you are a drinker who loves to cherish great drinks, the concept of having wine with low carb, may not sound well. Nevertheless, it needs to be said that the taste is as refreshing as normal wines. So if you wish to indulge in the taste of a great drink, and yet not sacrifice your health, then the low carb wine brands can be the right choice.
Benefits of low carb wines
As already said, the low carb wine consists of very low levels of carbohydrate. Compared to normal wines, the amount of yeast is very low. This leads to formation of low carbohydrate in the body. If you have wines with low carb, there is minimal chance of putting up extra fat in the body. Moreover, due to less amount of sugar, there is also very less chance of extra cholesterol formation. High cholesterol is the main cause of health complications such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity related problems, and so on. As such, wine with low carb has proven to be ideal for patients of diabetes, and obesity.
On an average, low carb wine consists of around 4 mg of carbohydrate, which can be considered to be pretty low. This is why people all across the world prefer to have the wines with low carb. Wines are used as starters for lunch and dinner. There is some kind of aristocracy associated with this alcoholic beverage, that it is preferred in religious occasions, celebrations, and so on. As there are lots of brands and varieties available, you need to choose the right one as per the needs. Different varieties have different taste and specifications, and go very well with snacks and food.
Types of low carb wines
Some of the popular kinds of low carb wine are low carb red wine, low carb ginger wine, low carb grape wine, low carb red wine with strawberry flavour, and so on. Over the years, to cater to the increased demand, more varieties of wines with low carb have come up. Some of the consist of fruit flavours like raspberry wine, green apple wine, black grape wine, cranberry,  tropical lime, and so on. The taste is very refreshing and lots of people love to have them. The carb content in these wines is also very low within the permissible limit.
You can easily get low carb wine from the market. There are lots of stores where you will get various brands. Even supermarkets and departmental stores sell these wines. Based on the type of wine, the pricing is made. Another way to buy is online. There are plenty of online alcohol stores from where you can buy your choicest wine. The product is delivered to your address within few days or order. The quality and condition remains absolutely untouched due to the high end packaging.