Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

High protein low-carb diet menu

High protein low-carb diet menu
For the best approach to weight loss, a high protein low-carb diet menu is the best. If you are among the many people struggling to cut weight, then here is some of the best diet menu you should consider.
From its name, a high protein low-carb increases the protein intake and limits consumption of carbohydrates or fats in the body. Proteins are very useful in the body since they help to boost energy levels. Even though carbohydrates are also necessary for growth and development of our body, those who want to lose weight by cutting the excess calories are advised to restrict carbohydrate consumption in their daily diet, as their consumption can result in rapid rise in blood sugar levels in the body. This can be extremely disastrous, especially if you are diabetic.
This diet gives good amount of carbohydrates and unsaturated fats with high protein and fiber content unlike others that gives inadequate carbohydrates while allowing excessive intake of fats. Some best and common high protein low carb diets are the South beach diet and Atkins.
How it works
Limiting carbohydrates radically to a small percentage enables the body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, where it burns its own fat for energy.  Frequently the human body uses carbohydrates to adjust energy which normally help the brain and many organs of the body to function better as it improves the functionality of the brain. During ketosis, a person usually obtains power from ketones, which is a minute fragment of carbon that act as source of energy by crashing the fats that had been stored. This as a result makes someone not to feel like eating any food because of hunger and hence making the body to utilize the fats available by burning them faster. Increased rate at which the fats are being burned tend to lead to an instant halt of the stored fats hence aids in an increased rate of weight losses.
The perfect diet preparation
A number of the finest low carbohydrates to eat during the above diet period include foods like fresh green vegetables like fruits and spinach, fish, cheese. The menu of the diet should always be rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber and hence nuts, skinless meat and lean are examples of some of the foods with low carbohydrate contents and it is therefore important that they be included in the diet consisting of high protein. However, food types like sweets, jellies, pastas and white rice should not be included in this diet but should be ignored completely.
When someone is using a low carbohydrate, high protein diet arrangement, one must not always limit himself to all sorts of carbohydrates as following this plan might to be harmful to your body. Doing an exercise is also important as you are trying to cope with practice this kind of a diet system. This will ensure that you lose weight faster and gain both the necessary benefits you had wished for. Always observe your food plan and ensure that it is well adhered to.

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