Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 6, 2012

How to include hamburger in a low carb diet

 Having hamburgers might not be too fatal for you if you are on a low carb diet since hamburger low carb recipes and low carb hamburger buns are available in the market. Browse the net for such recipes and look for low carb buns and breads in store to enjoy delicious burgers and other snacks.
Low carb hamburgers:
Hamburger is a name that brings water to the mouth of thousands of people who love foods. A thick cake of fried or baked ham mixed with vegetables, spices, cheese in between two burger buns make hamburger a delicious and filling snack. Many people, who do not prefer heavy meals at lunch, take hamburger as it meets the hunger very well. But when hamburger lovers are advised to take low carb diet or low carb meals they feel depressed since burger is a food to avoid for them since it is starchy and glycemic. However, one can counter this depression to a long extent by trying some hamburger low carb recipes. Yes, to give some scopes to smile, food and health experts have designed some exciting hamburger low carb recipes. By following those recipes you can prepare hamburger that taste quite similar to regular hamburgers but are far less starchy. If hamburger is among your favorite snacks, search for hamburger low carb recipes on the net. You would get many.
How to make low carb hamburgers:
 Preparing a low carb hamburger is, however, not very difficult. You just need to replace regular meat with low fat meat and normal bun with low carb hamburger buns that are gluten free. There are varieties of other good low carb snacks that you can have to maintain your health. Just like low carb hamburger buns, low carb breads like whole wheat bread, brown bread and low carb tortillas are available that you can make mouthwatering sandwiches with. Whole wheat bread is beneficial for you since it is fibrous and low glycemic.
Foods that can make delicious low carb snacks:
To make some good low carb snacks first you need to know which foods are healthy for you and which are the items that you should avoid. Since rice, cereals, pasta, deserts and candies are major sources of carbohydrate; you need reduce consumption of these foods. You need not to feel sad about this as you can make fantastic substitution for these food items by milk, egg, fish, shellfish, poultry, cottage cheese, green vegetables and fruits. While eggs and meats are great sources of protein that gives strength to the body, vegetables are rich in fibers and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and glucose. So you can prepare lots of exciting low carb snacks using these food items.
 Green vegetables that are healthy for you:
When you are on a low carb diet, green vegetables would dominate your dishes which might trigger depression in you but you can prepare some exciting low carb snacks and low carb meals with these items. Sponach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, pepper, capsicum, cucumber and tomatos are foods that you must have in larger proportions. These green vegetables make different varieties of low carb meals that are mouthwatering and healthy for the body. All you need are exciting low carb recipes. Just search for low carb recipes that are made with these food items an try them at home. You will overcome the grief for sacrificing your favorite white foods shortly.
Ref. Reading:

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