Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 6, 2012

How to make an exciting list of low carb foods

Feel happy even if you have been instructed by your doctor to switch to low carb diet. Search for information on low carb foods on the net and make a list of low carb foods that are tastier and healthier than what you eat now.
the list low carb food
Low carb meal’ and ‘low carb diet’ are most threatening phrases for the foodies. when they ordered  to switch from their beloved ‘normal’ diet to strict low carb diet, life becomes very difficult for them as they are forced to snap ties with their favorite white foods like rice, bread, pasta, beans and sweets. Since high level of carbohydrate content of these food items lead to excess weight gain, obesity, diabetes and cardiac problems, overweight people are suggested to avoid them and go for substitutions.
But why is a low carb diet or low carb meal such a threat for a foodie? Well it is because majority of dieticians act too tough to bring their patients under restrictions. They instruct for absolute cut off with carbohydrate rich food but do not suggest good substitutes and that’s what brings depression to people who love to eat. But switching over to a low carb diet doesn’t at all mean that you can’t have a tasty breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can have varieties of delicious substitutes for your favorite white foods that can make time at the lunch or dinner more exciting for you. For that you just need a list of low carb foods. Don’t ignore the diet chart provided by your dietician because after all it is aimed at betterment of your deteriorating health condition. But you need not to follow it word by word either. Just log on to the net and go through websites to check out articles and blogs on low carb diets or meals. Compare between diets published on various websites to pick up the common items and then make a list of low carb foods for yourself.
You will be surprised to see that low fat proteins like fish, shellfish, nuts, milk, cheese, egg and poultry like chicken, turkey and pork could make your breakfast or lunch plate colorful and exciting. If you are sad to give up breads, feel happy now since you can substitute with the best low carb bread. Brown bread, which contains low starch is the best low carb bread and a great substitute for your breakfast. If you do not have absolute hatred for vegetables, then you can add items like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrot sticks, veggie sticks, pepper and onions can be added to a list of low carb foods for enjoying lunch and dinner the way you have been enjoying till now. Feeling depressed for the dietician’s big ‘NO’ to alcohols? Well, you shouldn’t take the risk of disobeying this order but to meet the ‘thirst’ of your taste buds you can sip the best low carb beer occasionally. Though alcohol in beer contain carbohydrate it first transforms into energy and then to fat.
So, there is no need to panic if your dietician has just suggested a switchover to low carb diet. Accept the fact that white foods are injurious for your health and then take the trouble of researching on the net to make a list of low carb foods that would satisfy your taste buds and help you lose weight.

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