Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 5, 2012

DoubleThink - The technique that you need to master to bring your motivation into next level

As discussed in the famous book 59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute by Richard Wiseman:

In 1984, concept of doublethink, simultaneously holding two opposing beliefs in your mind and also accepting both at the same time, is introduced by George Orwell. Oettingen speculated that one of the most effective states of mind involves people being optimistic about achieving their goal but also real.

The experiment is simple as following: groups of people were asked about their goals, something that they want to achieve like losing weight, or changing drinking habits etc... Next they were told to spend a few minutes fantasizing about when they reach their goals and note down two top benefits from those archivements.

After that, they were asked to spend other few minutes to reflecting and thinking on what are the barriers and obstacles they need to overcome to reach their goal, and also make note of top two issues.

Now, it’s DoubleThink’s turn.

People  are requested to reflect on their first benefits, combining with how it would make their lives more enjoyable. Right after that, they’re requested to think about the most difficult barrier to such goal, focus on what they would do if they encountered that problem.

The process is repeated for the second fantasy of achieving their goal and the second obtacle.

The result of the experiments

After several experiments, Oettingen discovered that people who apply DoubleThink were more successful than those who just fantasied or focused on the negatives. It also means that you can use Doublethink as powerful tool to improve your motivation and achieve your goal.
Next, we will move to how to use DoubleThink for our weigh loss goal

Applying DoubleThink to help weight loss

We can use Doublethink motivate our inner self to get energy to achieve weight loss goal and maintaining motivation when facing difficulties. Here is the process, which involves writing down your answers for following questions

1. What is your goal in weight loss?
2. Write down one word (or a sentence) that describe how your life would be better when you reach your goal.
3. Write down one word (or a sentence) that describe the most difficult obstacle that prevent you from achieving your goal
4. Write down another word (or another sentence) that describe how your life would be better when you reach your goal.
5. Write down another word (or another sentence) that describe the second most difficult obstacle that prevent you from achieving your goal

To maximize benefits of this method, you should practice several times along the way reaching your goal. Don't do it just one time.

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