Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 5, 2012

How to make cheap low carb meals

 Low carb foods or low carb diets are best for people who need to lose weight to stay safe from obesity, diabetes and different cardiovascular diseases that are associated with it.
English: veggies
English: veggies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Low carb diet is the first thing that a doctor prescribes a patient standing on the verge of obesity and plead for medicines to get back normal health. Low carb diets are good for their health as they contain very low carb and carb less foods. But since low carb diets contain costly protein and fat rich food items, the grocery budget often shoots up. Are you facing such a problem? Are you worried with your rising grocery budget? If you are then what's the alternative? You can't ignore your doctor's advice and get back to regular diet for saving money. But you can keep your grocery budget within control by opting for cheap low carb foods and making cheap low carb meals with them.
Cheap low carb foods refer to items that are available at most affordable rates. Egg is among the best cheap low carb foods. Eggs are really affordable and the advantage of eggs is that you can prepare lots of low carb meals with a few eggs. If you are concerned about cholesterol then leave the yolk and have the white portion. Egg is a completely carb free food but is rich in protein.
Green vegetables:
Fresh green vegetables are also available at cheap rates since they grow throughout the year. To save your money, opt for unlearned and bunched vegetables instead of pre-washed and prepackaged vegetables since those include packaging cost. Buy a bunch of spinach, lettuce and whole cauliflowers, cabbages, broccoli and pepper.
Low cost cuts of meats:
Since meats are great low carb food items you can prepare cheap low carb meals with them. Perhaps you are wondering how can meats make a cheap low carb meal. Well, you can make it cheap by opting for low cost cuts of meats that are harder than the expensive cuts. Buy chuck roast, pork shoulder and chicken with skins and bones as they are cheaper than boneless meats. Remove the bones and skins after cooking and to make chuck roasts and pork shoulders soft, use a crock pot.
Crock pot low carb recipes:
To make your cheap low carb meal mouthwatering search for crock pot low carb recipes on the net. You will find plenty. Crock pot low carb recipes are good for your health since foods do not overcooked inside Crockpot. Instead the juice containing nutrients of the foods remain inside. You can use a crock pot to cook stews and soups using the low cost cuts of meats. As a crock pot cooks food slowly for hours, the meats get softer and the juices that come out of them add to the tastes of the soups and stews.
So, now you know that switching over to a low carb diet doesn't necessarily mean a hike in grocery budget. You can have delicious cheap low carb meals if you know which foods are cheap low carb foods and how to buy them.
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