Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 5, 2012

The Steps to Plan an Ideal diabetic low carb diet

 Planning a normal low carb diet is easier as majority of low carb diets include tasty items like eggs and low fat meats but since fats encourage cardiovascular diseases, they are unhealthy for the diabetics. Hence, you should look for diabetic low carb recipes containing low fat foods.

plate with green salad, onion, tomato, cucumbe...
plate with green salad, onion, tomato, cucumber, carrot and a black olive (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to plan a diabetic low carb diet

Since the starch in carbohydrate-rich foods breaks into sugar and affects the blood sugar level in the body, it is better for diabetics to avoid food items that are high in carbs. A low carb diet is ideal for the diabetics in that sense. But a low carb diet for a person who intends to reduce weight differs from a diabetic low carb diet. Eliminating carbohydrates from diets mean avoiding intake of certain minerals and vitamins, which are essential for controlling diabetes. Hence planning a diabetic low carb diet is a bit tricky as one needs to pay attention to maintain a fine balance between the ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’.

Planning a diabetic low carb diet:

There are lots of diabetic low carb recipes that do not include high fat and protein foods. Instead they are rich in vegetables that are fibrous and rich in vitamins and minerals. So, if you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, you need some special diabetic low carb diet plans. More importantly, you need to know what kinds of foods are good for your health and what the items you should avoid are.

Foods to eat more:

If you are a diabetic get ready for meals dominated by green vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and asparagus are green vegetables that should be there in your breakfast, lunch and dinner plates. To have happy meals, search in the net for diabetic recipes low carb recipes for these green veggies. You need not to worry much about recipes, since spinach, cabbage; broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus make lots of delicious soups. Rich in Vitamin C and a great source of Vitamin A, tomatoes should be there in your diet. To make your diet exciting, you can prepare salads using lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages and broccolis. You can also have spinach, broccoli and cauliflower boiled and baked.

Having fishes and meats once or twice in a week is okay:

Low fat meat like chicken and egg white once in a week would not affect your health much. Instead, those will provide your body with some necessary protein. You can also have fishes like salmon, herring, albacore tuna, mackerel and halibut once or twice in a week since they are healthy for the heart. To make exciting dishes look for diabetic recipes low carb recipes for these fishes.

Beans and berries:

Apart from these, you should raise the consumption of beans and berries as they are rich in fibers. If you can’t think of dishes without potatoes, substitute normal potatoes with sweet potatoes, since they are good for the heart. Though breads and pastas are rich in carbohydrates, you can have them sometimes, but make sure the breads are made of whole grains.
So, if you were thinking a diabetic low carb diet is a plan to eliminate all your favorite food items, you were wrong, like many people. You need not to ban your favorite foods to control diabetes, you just need to regulate the consumption level and do some substitutions to stay healthy.   

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